From Words to Algorithms: Understanding the Telltale Signs of AI-Generated Writing
In the short time it’s been around, ChatGPT has made a huge impact. But with this change comes a problem: it’s easy for people to use it to create content that is undetectable by plagiarism detection tools.
We developed a method to distinguish human writing from ChatGPT, based on 20 features and the perplexity metric. We tested it on Perspectives articles from Science, and it performed well.
1. PoemOfQuotes
With the popularity of generative AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT, educators need to make sure that their students are not using them to cheat in assignments and exams. Fortunately, there are several ways to ensure that students are using genuine information and not AI-generated content.
One option is to use a free online AI detection tool. These tools analyze the coherence, language complexity, sentence structure, and vocabulary of a text to determine whether it was generated by an AI. These tools are useful for a variety of purposes, including identifying plagiarism in student assignments, verifying factual accuracy in news articles, and improving the overall quality of written work.
The best ChatGPT detectors analyze specific characteristics of a text to identify if it was generated by an AI. For example, they look for unusual or repetitive phrasing, which is common in AI-generated text. They also examine the context of the text to make sure that it matches with the topic at hand.
PoemOfQuotes is an easy-to-use tool that allows users to check for a ChatGPT generator with a single click. The site doesn’t require any account creation and offers unlimited free scans. However, it does limit the maximum number of words that can be scanned at one time to 200. For this reason, the site recommends other more advanced AI detection tools for long documents.
2. Corrector
If you’re looking for a free tool to identify ChatGPT writing, you can try Corrector. This AI detection tool can tell you whether a text is human or artificially generated. It also has a feature that can detect plagiarism.
In order to test the tool, researchers used a series of samples written by students who were taking the TOEFL. The writers volunteered to upload their practice essays to an online test-prep forum. The researchers ran each essay through seven GPT detectors. The detectors incorrectly flagged more than half of the essays as being AI generated.
GPT detectors use a variety of algorithms to determine whether an essay is human or not. They look at the overall tone and style of an essay, as well as its vocabulary and grammar. They also look at the underlying structure of an essay. GPT detectors can distinguish between human and AI writing by analyzing word frequency, sentence length, and the type of punctuation used.
GPT-based detectors are becoming increasingly common in schools and are a threat to academic integrity. They are being used to cheat on assignments and can be a major pain for teachers who need to grade student papers. However, some tools are being developed that can identify ChatGPT-based writing and alert teachers. One such tool is Copyleaks, which has a free version and a paid premium version with more features. Another is Safe Assign, a tool as part of the LMS Blackboard that can be used to check for plagiarized content.
3. OpenAI’s Detector
ChatGPT was created in 2022 by the company OpenAI as a large language model or LLM to assist us with a wide variety of tasks. It’s now integrated into thousands of different applications including the Bing web browser and Microsoft Teams.
ChatGPT is able to create content based on simple prompts and even mimic human writing style with remarkable accuracy. This has led to a number of concerns, especially in education. It’s easy for students to use ChatGPT as a shortcut to producing articles that are almost good enough, which can lead to plagiarism issues or even cheating on exams and papers.
One way to combat this is with AI detector tools that scan content and determine how likely it is to be ChatGPT. These tools look at a range of features, such as word choice, sentence length, perplexity and if it follows a predictable pattern that AI would follow. Some also have the option to add a watermark to a piece of content to make it more obvious that it’s been produced by AI.
However, these are not foolproof. As technology advances, these detection models need to evolve too. For example, some companies such as Turnitin are working on adding digital signatures to AI content that can be scanned and verified. This is similar to watermarks on photos and videos that can be used to identify their creator.
4. Google’s Detector
Several apps have come onto the market that claim to be able to detect AI-generated text. These programs use machine learning to analyze various aspects of a piece of writing, including sentence lengths and the frequency of certain words and punctuation marks. They also look at grammatical errors and word choice, which can be telltale signs that a piece of writing is not human-authored.
It’s easy to see why such tools are becoming increasingly popular. They can be useful for teachers to check students’ academic dishonesty and for editors who receive plagiarized content that has been generated by ChatGPT or other LLMs like Claude AI or Google Bard. They can also be used by researchers and scientists who want to ensure that their work has not been altered or written by an AI model.
However, there are ways to beat these detection tools. For example, using a vocabulary that is not common for your field of study can confuse the system. You can also alter your writing style to make it less likely to be flagged by the algorithms. This can be done by changing the lexicon, adding jargon or by writing at a higher level of abstraction.
The best way to avoid detection by AI-generated text is to write in your own unique voice and style. This will make it harder for the algorithm to identify your writing as not human-authored and can help you stay in line with Google’s EEAT guidelines.